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Museum project
Best exhibition of month
21.10.2015 - 07.11.2015
20.10.2015 - 07.11.2015
10.11.2015 - 29.11.2015
12.11.2013 - 23.11.2013
31.03.2015 - 16.04.2015

For the attention to partners, patrons and media

Center for Contemporary Art (Minsk, ul. Nekrasova, 3) is looking to cooperate in the preparation and implementation, which has already become traditional, unique project "The Artist and the City", which will take place in the period from April to September 2015 in the central square of Yakub Kolas. The project will be a separate event in the life of the city of Minsk exhibition and part of the nationwide cultural program for 2015.



Lecture by Vera Tollmann, culture expert, independent curator and writer (Berlin, Germany).

4th December, 2014

Museum of Modern Fine Art

(Independence Ave., 47), conference hall

Lecture by Vera Tollmann, culture expert, independent curator and writer (Berlin, Germany).

The event is supported by the Embassy of Germany in the [...]


Exhibition «WE» Sergey and Dmitry Brushko that held in the city tram №1.

Museum of Modern Fine Art and Center of Contemporary Art in the framework of the Month of  Photo in Minsk invites you to visit the exhibition «WE» Sergey and Dmitry Brushko that runs from 28 October. During the week of the exhibition will be held in the city tram №1.

Schedule [...]


Месяц фатаграфіі ў Мінску!

Мерапрыемствы ў Музеі сучаснага выяўленчага мастацтва ў межах Месяца фатаграфii ў Мiнску

У кастрычніку 2014 года ў беларускай сталіцы праходзіць «Месяц фатаграфіі ў Мінску», які [...]


Performance art “NAVINKI-2014” mini

Announcement of the 16th international festival of performance art “NAVINKI-2014” mini

 16th performance festival will be held at Museum of Modern Fine Art (Independence Avenue 47), August 30 (Saturday)

Will present their new work:

Natalia Lisovskaya
Olga Bel'skaya
Elin Wijkstrom
Olga Horn
Tatiana Majboroda
Sergey Zhdanovich
Alexander Sarna


Nights of museum

Ночь современного искусства


В Музее современного изобразительного искусства

(пр-т. Независимости, 47)


17 мая 2014 года


The program of events accompanying the exhibition of contemporary art «Avant-gARTe. From the square to the object»

April 21, Monday

Opening of the exhibition.

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April 24, Thursday

Excursion for the media and the presentation of the exhibition catalog.


April 25, Friday

17.00 – 19.00. Recital of Andrey Plyasanau – artist, musician and composer.


April 26, Saturday

15.00 – 17.30. Discussion Cinema Club [...]


Family Festival

Family Festival at the Museum of Modern Fine Art
26, 27 and 28 December
Through creativity closer to each other!

For three days, the Museum of Modern Fine Art immersed in a warm and friendly atmosphere of the New Year holiday. Family Festival - a great alternative fir-tree and place educational and entertainment facilities for the whole family. Each from 0 to 99 [...]


November 23 will be held a public lecture with street artist Nikita Nomerz (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia ) and presentation of a documentary about Pasha183.

November 23 (Saturday) at 17.00 in the main hall of the Museum of Modern Art (Independence Avenue, 47) as part of SIGNAL will be held a public lecture with street artist Nikita Nomerz (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia ) and its presentation of a documentary about the Russian street artist Pavel Puchov (Pasha183).

Nikita became world famous for his project "Living Wall" in which he transforms urban [...]


21-22 September will host an international championship speed assembly Rubik's Cube.

21-22 September in Minsk at the Museum of Modern Fine Art ( Independence Ave 47), will host an international championship speed assembly Rubik's Cube - MINSK OPEN 2013. Championship will be held with the participation of delegates of the World Cube Association (WCA - World Cube Association) Rostovikov Anton (Russia) and the results recorded by participants in the competition will be entered into a worldwide database of [...]


A gift to the Museum

Each year, the museum collection was replenished not only in the form of acquiring funds for the Ministry of Culture, with the fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk City Executive Committee, and mainly due to the gifts of artists.


International Exhibitions

Museum cooperates with museum organizations, galleries, almost all regions of our country, is developing areas of cooperation with foreign institutions. These exhibitions are exciting and resemble the world popular online casino gaming software providers exhibitions like the one at

Each ear Museum holds 10-12 traveling exhibitions of archival materials in the cities of Belarus and abroad. For example, the exhibition "New Collection of the Year" is traditionally from year to year is in Baranovichi museum, Bobruisk Art Museum GG Poplavsky, "Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble" [...]
